Rob will be deactivating facespace soon, and won't be back. He has better things to do, and lately finds groups, invite's and "liking" things on Facespace, trendy and impersonal. He doesn't read, rock climb, draw, email, blog, listen to music, or for that matter communicate with his "real friends" as much as he used to, and wants those really important things back in his life. He will also be delving further into his studies, which is what he should be focusing on now that he's finally, all... "scholarly".
Call me old fashioned, but when was the last time you licked a stamp and sent someone an actual letter? When is the last time you actually called "that person"? Or hung out with them face to face, like we all used to. Instead of just "liking" their pic, or on the other hand, blocked your chat status, because you were afraid that your friends would want to talk to you? Isn't that what friends do?
How much do we really know about eachother? If I want anything to do with a "cafeworld", I will ride my bike down the block and get a coffee, and personally invite YOU, in the real world. If I want to do anything on a "farmville", I know where there's a real one that I can work on, with people I consider to be my own family.
I'm a kid at heart. Let's play a board game together, before they become extinct. I suck at chess, but love to play, and haven't played for years. I'm going to learn how to do magic tricks with a deck of cards in my free time. One day, I will run a marathon. I will continue to scour the web for information about how fu(ked up our Government is, because that's what I like to do. I will do things that are far more fulfilling to ME.
If you know my number, you can call/text me. If you have my email, then email me what ever it is that you want, and it will be between You, and I. If you want to see some of my crazy dreams illustrated, check out my blog, which I will be working on more frequently, instead of updating my status to "just wiped his ass at trendy burger". If you want to send me a pic, then send me a pic, send me a gangload of pics. Send me "Hey Rob, remember when we..." and I'll send it back.
If you need someone to run/walk with, or some advice, I can be that person. If you wanna hang out/drink beer, then lets hang out/drink beer, and/or smoke Hookah too: I like good Beer, and Hookah!
Communication is key, while status is only a classification, and there will always be distance between shared links. Feel free to copy and paste this, if and when you feel the need.
Signed, like people used to:
Your Friend,