It was around noon. The air was cold but not freezing. Drab factory buildings surrounded an area of yellow grass in what was an amalgamation of town square and park. Tall Trees were scattered throughout the area with some trees bordered with squares of cement. These borders were high enough to sit on. Several people had gathered for some sort of communication/smoke/lunch break. People of all ages.

A group including myself were sitting on one of these benches talking. Maybe Six in total. I had interjected to explain that the angels were forbidden to mate with us. I went on to say that because of their lust for humans and their inability to control themselves they were banned from this Earth.

I explained that the angels were obviously some sort of other life form just as in some past historical reference. Apparently these "angels" were what people believed to be actual angels and nothing otherwise. I spoke of the Annunaki.

As I continued to explain what I had gathered from my own personal knowledge on Sumerians and the related, a person in the group had said to me "Everyone around is looking at us. I think you're getting kind of loud."

I then looked around at everyone sitting around the 'town squarish' area and noticed that everyone sat motionless with blank stares looking ahead in our direction.

I replied to the group of people sitting with me "I think they're listening. They 're probably some right wing christians who think we're crazy."
The people sat like zombies, staring at us. What looked like snow fell upon them. It was a slow falling white powdery substance.

I told the group "That's not snow. Don't touch it!" We panicked not knowing what to do . I noticed a lack of this substance on the ground under the taller trees.

We ran for the unaffected space as the people affected sat still and paralyzed. The government was using this substance to try and paralyze and control the masses. The overcast sky was now dark and snow now fell upon the entire area.

Lit like a prison yard at night, I knew the government was now trying to take charge of us poor human beings.

I myself and a few other people who had survived the first chemical attack had gathered in the snowed in corner of this square. The area now felt like a prison yard that was barricaded in by six feet of snow.

There was a government controlled patrol behind these fifty foot walls. We exited through a door in the corner that led us to warmth on the inside of this corridor. We outfitted ourselves with survival gear.

It felt like we were Navy SEAL's. I remember putting heavy weather gloves on. We had to protect ourselves.
...and, I'm awake again.
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